Reflection by Takis Tsioles

At the age of 5 I realized that God had given me the desire and the talent to be able to praise him through chanting. Although I was always drawn to the Church, at the age of 18, I chose to go into the restaurant business instead of the priesthood. 

However, at the age of 62 God brought me to Saint George through Fr. Chrysanthos, where I started serving God by chanting.  Little did I know at the time that he brought me to St George because I was going to go through the hardest part of my life, and I would need the help of those that make up the St George family to help me survive something that is impossible to survive alone.  A few years after coming to Saint George, my son Haralambos was diagnosed with Leukemia and eventually fell asleep. 

I thank God for bringing me to Saint George! I thank every parishioner that consoled me, encouraged me, and cried with me.  I thank Fr Chris and Fr. Peter for making it possible for me to look forward to chanting the Divine services with them, I thank the God fearing people who for the last 100 years worked tirelessly so that thousands of people could have the opportunity to experience this special parish and call it their home.

I love Saint George and I will be Steward of Saint George, doing my best to offer my time, talents and treasures as long as God grants me life because at Saint George I found a family and home.

Panagiotis (Takis) Tsioles


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