Consecration Thank You

Dearest stewards and friends of Saint George,

I greet you with a heart full of excitement and gratitude after a most beautiful and spiritually uplifting weekend!  There are very few moments that people vividly remember throughout their lives.  I firmly believe that those who were blessed to be present at the Consecration of our beloved Saint George church will never forget it!

 It was one of the most sacred experiences of my life and I am grateful that God allowed me, in all my unworthiness, to be present with all of you!  I can’t help but think of the many clergy and laity who worked tirelessly for 100 years so that we may be inheritors of this magnificent church building. 

 Today, I am also grateful to all of you for your work, your commitment, your love, your sacrifice, and your prayerful attendance at the Consecration services.  Many have given incredible amounts of time and have generously offered their treasures for the Consecration to take place.

 Along with preparing for the Consecration and purchasing all the necessary items, our historic church building had to also be prepared in order to be offered to God.  Therefore, extensive and careful renovations took place that were both time-consuming and expensive.  By God’s Grace and with your help, we have come a long way and are hopeful that we will reach our goal.

 I am most proud that during the time of these renovations, our parish has not stepped back from caring for the poor but has increased outreach to levels that our parish has never seen before.  As we remember the faithful founders of this parish and those who worked to care for Saint George throughout the years, I am now confident that all of you will be remembered one day as well as a generous and hardworking group that renovated and Consecrated our beloved Saint George.

 I am eternally grateful, and I am honored to serve as your priest! On behalf of Fr. Peter, the Parish Council, and the Consecration Committee, Thank You.

 Fr. Chrysanthos


Congratulations to newly elected Parish Council Members


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